Latest News:

Next Parish Council Meeting –

Wednesday 27th March 7.30pm at St May’s Church, Mappleton.

Clerk to the Parish Council is Rae Alton.

If you have any queries please email Rae at:

This address is being checked on a regular basis.

Be a Parish Councillor

Mappleton Parish Council invites applications from parishioners for the role of Parish Councillor – we have a vacancy.  Our meetings are usually held on a Monday evening, every other month at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Main Road, Mappleton, DE6 2AB.

Am I eligible to be a Parish Councillor?

To stand for election on a parish council, you must:

be a UK or commonwealth citizen, or;

be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, or;

be a citizen of another Member state of the European Union;

be at least 18 years old.

To be eligible to stand for an election for a particular parish, you must:

be an elector of the parish, or;
for the whole of the previous 12 months have occupied (as owner or tenant) land or other premises in the parish, or;
during the previous 12 months have worked in the parish (as your principal or only place of work), or;
for the whole of the previous 12 months lived in the parish or within three miles of the parish boundary.

If you do become a parish councillor you will have to sign up to the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct.  The role of Parish Councillor is voluntary but travel expenses can be paid.

This is a great opportunity to get involved in the affairs of the local community with such matters as:

local planning, promoting local schemes and being involved with local activities and concerns.

There are 6 parish council meetings a year.

You can find further information about the Parish Council including Agendas, Minutes and Financial information at

If you are interested please send your expression of interest, to:

If you have any queries please talk to one of the Mappleton Parish Councillors : –

Chair – Cllr Wendy Astill

Cllr Julia Washer, Cllr Lesley Marsh or Cllr Rachel Hodgkinson